Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Article about practicing

This article has made the rounds around my music friends on Facebook recently. It is a great, short read for both parents and students on how to make better use of practice time. Just some food for thought. :)

10 Easy Ways to Optimize Your Music Practice

Remember: Practice doesn't make perfect, practice makes permanent. Only perfect practice makes perfect. Students should practice at home the way they would be expected to if Mrs. DeMaagd or Mrs. Parker was watching.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Shutterfly and Haunted House

First of all, the Spirit Band had their first performance tonight at the A Team football game vs. Bailey and it went very well (for both the band and the football team!)! I am very proud of these kids for the amount of music they have been able to memorize in such a short period of time. We will continue to add music to our Spirit Band repertoire as the season progresses.

One of our Band Booster members, Jean Maxwell, has put together a Shutterfly website where we can share pictures of the band. Only people who have been invited to the album can see the contents, which makes this a safe way for us to share pictures of the band. If you would like an invitation to the Shutterfly page, email Mrs. Maxwell at jmaxmom@yahoo.com.

Also, our Boosters are organizing the band for the Boles Carnival. We will have a room in the haunted house and a booth in the carnival. Students who are interested in helping out should sign up on the sign up sheets at the front of the band hall. We are also having a planning meeting for interested students this Friday, 9/20, right after school in the band hall. Plan on it lasting around half an hour or so. Some of these kids have some great/crazy ideas; I can't wait to see what they come up with!

We will also need some parents to help set up and supervise the students at the event. Set up is on 10/11 and the event is on 10/12 (there was more info in this week's newsletter). Let me know if you'd like to help out.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Boles vs. Bailey Football is TOMORROW

Our first Spirit Band performance is tomorrow, Wednesday, September 18th as our Boles Bulldogs take on the Bailey Rams right here at Boles JH.

In order for the performance to run smoothly, it is crucial that students follow the procedures and expectations outlined in this handout. Email Mrs. DeMaagd or Mrs. Parker if you have any questions about the performance.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Stock Shares are due on Friday the 13th

Stock Shares need to be turned in tomorrow, Friday the 13th! Please make sure all checks are made out to Boles Band Booster Club.

We thank you for your continued support! 100% of money collected is used for the benefit of our band students.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Spirit Shirts

Now is the time to order your Boles Bulldog Band spirit shirt!

This shirt is required for all 6th grade band students at Corey, Moore, and Wood. It will be our uniform for several performances throughout the year.
6th Grade Order Form

The shirt is not required for 7th and 8th grade students, but it would be great for us all to show our Bulldog Band pride at Boles and around the community. Parents and family members are also encouraged to buy a shirt!
7th/8th Order Form

Please remind your band student that money turned into the band office MUST be signed for. Never leave money in the turn in trays or on one of our desks.

Shirts are $12 each. Order forms and payment are due on Thursday, September 26th.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Why Band is Awesome #1

Obviously, since I chose to become a band director, I think playing music and being in band are great. But did you know that there are many people out there who did NOT choose music as a career and still LOVE playing their instruments? Public school students usually meet more professional music educators than amature musicians who just love to play their horns, but believe me - they are out there.

One of the most common reasons cited for not continuing in a junior high band program is, "I know I'm not going to major in music in college, and I know I will not be pursuing a career in music." My response to that is: SO WHAT?! Playing music in band is very rewarding and a lot of fun, and you don't have to be considering a career in music to enjoy playing your instrument in junior high, high school, college, and beyond!

Case in point: here is a picture of me and some of my friends at our alumni marching band reunion from September 7, 2013.

All of us started beginner band in 5th or 6th grade, and continued playing through junior high, high school, and college. The assumption for most junior high kids is that we must all have majored in music since we played in our college band, and that is just not the case.

Dave majored in civil engineering. He designs safe bridges.
Ali is an elementary music teacher (okay okay, I was friends with a lot of music majors, too).
Megan majored in pre-med and then went to medical school. Now she is a chiropractor.
Tim majored in telecommunications. He is one of the "tech guys" for a company right now, but is working on getting his pilot's license.
Arun majored in mechanical engineering. He is working on improving cars for Ford.
Brian majored in secondary education/social studies. He is a high school history teacher.
And I, obviously, majored in music education and am a band director.

When we graduated from college, life took us our separate ways. Now, once a year we have the opportunity to play together again. This year there were over 250 alumni musicians marching in our alumni band, ranging in age from 22-85, and less than 20% of us have music careers. There are doctors, lawyers, teachers, business people, financial planners, engineers, stay at home moms -- you name it, it's in the band.

My point is, you can enjoy music and play your instrument throughout your entire life, regardless of what profession you choose.

Enjoying making music together with lifelong friends -- it's just one of the reasons why

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Symphonic Band Sectional Schedule

Next week, the Symphonic Band will be beginning our sectionals in preparation for All-City and All-Region Band. Every section has different music, so it is very important that we work on it outside of regular class time. Sectionals are one hour each week, and I have done my best to accommodate everyone's schedules. The linked schedule shows expected arrival times, start times, and end times. Please plan rides in advance so all students can attend. If you are having difficulty providing a ride for your student, please let me know and I can help get you in touch with other parents in that section who may be able to help you out.

Attendance at the sectional will be graded. We will occasionally have playing tests over the music as well. Individual work on this music is an important part of how Symphonic Band students grow as individual musicians during the fall semester.

I am looking forward to getting started with everyone next week! As always, let me know if you have any questions.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Forms & Stock Shares

A lot of information went home last week. Here are some specifics about the forms that need to be turned in. All of them can be found on the website (bolesjhband.blogspot.com) EXCEPT the Medical Release, which can be picked up in the band hall. Every student received a copy of each form last Thursday.

1. Permission to travel - This serves as our field trip permission slip for the entire school year.
2. Handbook Form - This shows that you have received an electronic copy of the handbook and understand what's inside. I can get a hard copy for you if you need one; Mr. Provence asked us not to copy one for each student in an effort to conserve paper.
3. Medical Release - This is a duplicate form and must be notarized. Your band student should have filled out the top two lines. Wait until you are in the notary's office before you fill out the rest. Our principal's secretary, Linda Spradlin, is a notary and she can take care of it for you during school hours. I would like to have notaries available at the Thank You Concert on 10/10. Please let me know if you are a notary and would also be willing to donate your time at that event.

Our annual Stock Shares fundraiser is under way! Friends and family can donate to our band in $10 increments. Monday is due to the band office on Friday the 13th (checks made out to Boles Band Booster Club). Need more to sell? We have extras!

1. Fall Band Calendar - Please plan ahead to avoid conflicts. You must notify me ASAP if you notice a conflict with an event.
2. AMEP Enrollment - Turn this form in to allow a private lesson teacher to get in touch with you about lessons. 
3. Polo shirt money. Some students have not paid for their polo shirt yet. Not sure if your kid has paid? Follow the instructions on the website to login to Charms. You can see their current balance in the Financial section.
4. Instrument use fees. Students with school-owned instruments have an annual instrument use fee of $150. Many of you have paid this. If you haven't, please send it soon. If you need to split it into payments, let us know and we can make an arrangement.

Our first Spirit Band rehearsal is tomorrow after school! This involved all Symphonic Band members, 8th graders in Concert Band, and Concert Band 7th graders who will enjoy the challenge. Rehearsal will end at 5:45 (it is 15 minutes longer because it is the ONLY Spirit Band rehearsal we will get before our first football game performance!); please plan a ride in advance.