CHARMS is our online music office manager. Band programs around the country use this service to help facilitate communication with parents and students.

The most important thing we need you to do in Charms is to keep your contact information up to date. Use these bullet points to get started with Charms.

  • Click here to get started. A new window will open that will take you to the Parent/Student/Member Login area.
  •  Enter the school code “BolesJHBand” and click “Enter Charms.”
  • We can post a lot of items in this section. You will be able to find the Band Handbook and Event Handouts here.
  •  In the “Student Area Password” field, enter your student’s Student ID number. This is their district issued ID (kids might know it as their "lunch number"). Email Mrs. Burum at if this doesn't work.
  • After logging in, you will see a screen of colored icons. These icons represent the different areas you can explore in Charms.
  •  The most important thing we need you to do is keep your contact information up to date. Click on the blue button labeled “Update Info” that looks like this (it’s in the bottom row):

  • Review and update the information in all fields for the student. Correct anything that is wrong and fill in info that is missing. Click the green “Update” button in the upper right hand corner to save your changes.
  • You can change adult information by clicking on the names in the blue buttons. If one of the student’s parents/guardians is missing, click “Add New Adult” and fill out the form. Click the green “Update” button in the upper right hand corner to save your changes.
  • Feel free to explore the other areas of Charms. You can see your student's financial statement, instruments checked out, etc.
  • When you have finished, click the red EXIT CHARMS button in the upper left hand corner.