Friday, August 23, 2013

Boles Band - Start of the School Year!

Well, the beginning of the school year is nearly upon us! I wanted to touch base with you all this weekend before you get bombarded with new information on the first day of school.
1. We have a new website (! It is much easier for us to update than the one we had been using previously. PDF files are being hosted on Google Drive. I chose Google Drive because there is an option to Print without first having to Download the file. I am open to feedback about how this works for you! It seems like the best option out there but only time will tell. Let me know if you have any issues with it. The new site format will allow me to automatically post group emails (like this one!) in the form of a blog post.
2. Now is the time to enroll in private lessons! I have posted the AMEP Enrollment Form on the website (under the Private Lessons tab) and in Charms. I will also have them available at school. Lesson slots during class time are on a first come, first serve basis. Turn your enrollment form in ASAP to have the best chance of getting the best lesson times (five of you already turned them in!).
3. We will begin our Stock Shares fundraiser on Thursday. Basically, this fundraiser allows you to donate to the band in increments of $10 without having to buy food or trinkets. 100% of the money collected goes into our Band Booster account. Look for the Stock Shares packet to come home with your student on Thursday.
4. I have posted the new Band Handbook on the website (in Resources) and in Charms. Every student will need to turn in the Handbook Signature page by the end of the first week of school. We will have them available at school, too, but feel free to print it out and send it in with your band student.
Enjoy your weekend! As always, let me know if you have any questions.

Mrs. DeMaagd