Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Introducing the new Boles Band shirt for 2014-2015.  Each band member will receive this shirt as part of their band fee.  If any other family members would like one, please send 12.00 to school by this Friday August 29th. along with the desired size.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Pool Party and Boles Band Bash

Wow, what a week of Summer Band we have had! Our full rehearsal not only sounded great, but the students were respectful and rehearsed well, and at this stage in the game that is almost more important to me. YAY BAND!

Our pool party is this Saturday at Hugh Smith, and Boles Band Bash is Monday night at 7:00. Here is the handout!

The Boles Band Boosters will have a table set up at the Bash. You can purchase a Band Booster membership for $25. We will also have some car decals on sale for $5. We hope to see you there!!