Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Forms & Stock Shares

A lot of information went home last week. Here are some specifics about the forms that need to be turned in. All of them can be found on the website (bolesjhband.blogspot.com) EXCEPT the Medical Release, which can be picked up in the band hall. Every student received a copy of each form last Thursday.

1. Permission to travel - This serves as our field trip permission slip for the entire school year.
2. Handbook Form - This shows that you have received an electronic copy of the handbook and understand what's inside. I can get a hard copy for you if you need one; Mr. Provence asked us not to copy one for each student in an effort to conserve paper.
3. Medical Release - This is a duplicate form and must be notarized. Your band student should have filled out the top two lines. Wait until you are in the notary's office before you fill out the rest. Our principal's secretary, Linda Spradlin, is a notary and she can take care of it for you during school hours. I would like to have notaries available at the Thank You Concert on 10/10. Please let me know if you are a notary and would also be willing to donate your time at that event.

Our annual Stock Shares fundraiser is under way! Friends and family can donate to our band in $10 increments. Monday is due to the band office on Friday the 13th (checks made out to Boles Band Booster Club). Need more to sell? We have extras!

1. Fall Band Calendar - Please plan ahead to avoid conflicts. You must notify me ASAP if you notice a conflict with an event.
2. AMEP Enrollment - Turn this form in to allow a private lesson teacher to get in touch with you about lessons. 
3. Polo shirt money. Some students have not paid for their polo shirt yet. Not sure if your kid has paid? Follow the instructions on the website to login to Charms. You can see their current balance in the Financial section.
4. Instrument use fees. Students with school-owned instruments have an annual instrument use fee of $150. Many of you have paid this. If you haven't, please send it soon. If you need to split it into payments, let us know and we can make an arrangement.

Our first Spirit Band rehearsal is tomorrow after school! This involved all Symphonic Band members, 8th graders in Concert Band, and Concert Band 7th graders who will enjoy the challenge. Rehearsal will end at 5:45 (it is 15 minutes longer because it is the ONLY Spirit Band rehearsal we will get before our first football game performance!); please plan a ride in advance.