Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Shutterfly and Haunted House

First of all, the Spirit Band had their first performance tonight at the A Team football game vs. Bailey and it went very well (for both the band and the football team!)! I am very proud of these kids for the amount of music they have been able to memorize in such a short period of time. We will continue to add music to our Spirit Band repertoire as the season progresses.

One of our Band Booster members, Jean Maxwell, has put together a Shutterfly website where we can share pictures of the band. Only people who have been invited to the album can see the contents, which makes this a safe way for us to share pictures of the band. If you would like an invitation to the Shutterfly page, email Mrs. Maxwell at

Also, our Boosters are organizing the band for the Boles Carnival. We will have a room in the haunted house and a booth in the carnival. Students who are interested in helping out should sign up on the sign up sheets at the front of the band hall. We are also having a planning meeting for interested students this Friday, 9/20, right after school in the band hall. Plan on it lasting around half an hour or so. Some of these kids have some great/crazy ideas; I can't wait to see what they come up with!

We will also need some parents to help set up and supervise the students at the event. Set up is on 10/11 and the event is on 10/12 (there was more info in this week's newsletter). Let me know if you'd like to help out.